Material: 5 x 7 acrylic paint on paper.
Status: Gone to a good home.
Being a sailor's daughter, I love the water. I also grew up with a fondness for gulls. My grandmother used to call them Charlie - after Charles de Gaulle. Long ago and far away, my sister and I found an injured gull....and in a moment of grand bravery, Bev wrapped her hoodie around it, and took it back to the cottage. My grandfather was a doctor, and so we had it in our minds that we could fix Charlie up with whatever medical supplies we found in the closet.
"Charlie" lived in a cardboard box for a few hours until Mom convinced us that we were terrifying the poor creature. We took it to the shore where it could feel at home.
I like to think he made it to a lovely island and had a peaceful rest of his life.