June 2010: The Cat and the Bass Fiddle has been donated to the Greater Victoria Down Syndrome Society to be used to raise funds for their Music Therapy Program.
Cards of this print are available at Cadboro Bay Book Company and Tall Tales Books - for more information, e-mail carolnaha@gmail.com. Full proceeds go to the GVDSS Music Therapy Program.

In Spring 2011, The Owl and the Pussycat was sold on GoBid to raise funds for Strawberry Vale Preschool.
2011: Lemonade for Superheroes Donation to Tall Tales Books for their Superhero Society.
In September 2011, Camp Goodtimes was sold at auction for the Eagle View Elementary School fundraiser for the Tour de Rock.

Christmas 2011: The Lake Huron Carolers Christmas Cards were sold to raise funds for the GVDSS Music Therapy Program. Thanks to local stores: The Cadboro Bay Book Company, Tall Tales Books, and the University of Victoria Bookstore for their support!